Wednesday 9 April 2014

Addthis Trick : Get Social Media Widgets For Your Blog Without Signup !!

Posted by Demo
Bloggers usually keep on searching for the beautiful and well optimized social sharing and follow widgets/plugins for their blogs and if you are a blogger then you must be familiar with which  is one of the best solution for content engagement and all in one social widgets which not only helps to boost up the blog audience but also helps in decreasing the bounce rate. Addthis smart layers are easy to integrate with any kind of website. All you have to do is just provide them usernames of your social media profiles, a code for you gets automatically generated by one click but before you access the code, you have to create an account or login if you are their existing user. Today in this post I am going to share an inspect element trick which can get you to access the generated code without any signup or login. element trick
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Addthis Trick With Inspect Element !!

You might be aware of the  inspect element feature in firefox and chrome. If you are a firefox or chrome user, you can look out for the inspect element option by simply right clicking on any web page. Now lets move to the trick without taking any time further.

  1. Open Addthis smart layers from your chrome or firefox browser.Turn the "Follow feature on in the left pane and fill up usernames of your social media profiles in the respective text boxes.

  2. Click Generate code button, a pop up window will open and ask you for sign in or create account before you can copy the generated code.
    inspect element
  3. Right click on the blue sign in button and select 'inspect element' from the menu thereafter in the inspect element tray, just press backspace or delete (if you are on mac) to remove the highlighted code, this will remove the blue sign in button.
    inspect element
  4. Now right click on the gray 'Create account' button and remove the single liner highlighted code from the inspect element window to remove the gray button.
    social widgets without signup with inspect element trick
  5. Select the following three lines of code from the inspect element tray and press backspace button to remove them :
    <div class="buttonholder">
    <div class="gtcoverbox">
    <div class="gtcovercode">
  6.  Now you have access to the code without creating a new account or sign in, just grab the code and paste it directly on your blog or website wherevere you want . If you are on blogger then, paste the code in the gadget inside the layout.
    add this inspect element trick

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